Masi Care Limited


Masi Care Limited is a compassionate, person centred, professional and quality care company.

 We specialise caring for people of all ages who need specialist care covering:

  • Dementia

  • Cancer

  • Parkinson’s

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Stroke Care

  • Palliative Care

  • Learning disabilities

  • Physical disabilities

  • Mental health conditions

  • Personal care

  • Convalescent care


We believe care starts with our company ethos. We don’t use words like ‘customer’ or ‘client’ as we believe this focuses too much on the monetary benefit. We prefer to use terminology such as our ‘cared for’, this way we can remember there is a person looking to benefit, and we can think, and act differently.

As a firm we are very much people focused, not only for our ‘cared for’, but also in ensuring our staff are experienced, trained and motivated and happy

We believe hiring the right staff means our cared for should expect and receive a service encompassing:

·      Respect

·      Dignity

·      Courtesy

·      Safe and Appropriate Care

·      Privacy

·      Treated as Equals

·      Support so they may be autonomous, independent and as involved with friends, family and the local community as they wish to be.



According to a survey conducted by the Live-in care hub, 97% of us given the choice would prefer to carry on living at home. However, faced with the realisation that their loved one needs increasing levels of care and support, many families think the only option is to move their loved ones into a care or nursing home.

Whilst there are many good care homes, increasingly people are realising there is an alternative, one where loved ones may continue to live in their own home and having independence, all whilst receiving the care and support they need to have a better quality of life. At ‘Live in at Home Care’ is quickly becoming the preferred choice.

There are many compelling benefits of receiving care in a cared one’s much-loved home as opposed to enduring the upheaval and disruption that comes from moving into a care home. Highly personalised one-to-one care just cannot be provided in a care home and the way they choose to live their life will be restricted by imposed routines – when to get up, eat your food and when to socialise. Domiciliary Care however offers the best solution in this case.

For couples’, live-in at home care means they can stay together as a couple with the care and support they need - something not guaranteed if both move into a residential care home. Domiciliary care for couples is a cost-effective option when compared to needing two packages of care in a care home – with home live-in care there is only a nominal additional fee to provide care for a couple.

We believe living at home, also provides family members peace of mind that their loved one is receiving the best possible care and companionship.


Masi Care’s chief aim is to empower people, be they older and vulnerable adults to live at home longer, safer and happier - all while offering peace of mind to those closest to them.

We are a management team who value our high ethical beliefs. We reflect this in not only in how we aim to treat and value our cared for, but also how we plan to do the same for our experienced staff.

Our care is focused on keeping people safely and happily in the comfort and familiarity of their own home, all whilst improving their overall health and well being.

Care is provided usually on a one-to-one basis and is highly personalised reflecting not just an individual’s care needs, but their choices, wishes and social preferences so they are able to maintain as much independence as possible and live a healthy and happy life.

For those living with specialist conditions, like Dementia, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis or for those requiring Stroke Care, Cancer Care or Palliative Care, our expert live-in carers will be highly trained to provide care and support that positively enhances quality of life, enabling people to live well in their own homes.

Whether our cared have mobility and frailty issues, are recovering from an operation and need convalescent care, or simply require companionship care at home, our comprehensive live-in care service ensures they can live a fulfilled and meaningful life.

Target Care clients:

  • Caring for adults under 65 years

  • Caring for adults over 65 years

  • Caring for children (13 – 18 years)

For those needing specialist care covering:

  • Dementia

  • Cancer

  • Parkinson’s

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Stroke Care

  • Palliative Care

  • Learning disabilities

  • Physical disabilities

  • Mental health conditions

  • Personal care

  • Convalescent care


Masi Care's Technology

Masi Care will look to offer peace of mind for our cared for as well as their families.

One way we look to be able to offer this is buy our use or technology and offering ‘assisted living’ technology to our cared for and their families.

We will employ the use of a Client Relationship Management (CRM) app which allow will us to build a detailed and personalised profile for each of our cared for and allow management to ensure that key tasks have been carried out, and if they are missed or there is an issue alert us so we can follow up.

Our CRM will allow Masi Care to ensure we are always person centred by allowing us to share with our carers a detailed profile, recording personal preferences, needs, goals and areas of potential risk.

Our carers will have instant access to the latest task list, care plans, easy to fill observations logs and use of its eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record) facility.

We also hope to be able to offer a Family Reporting version of our CRM app, this will allow the family of the cared for to monitor and assist or even question in real time.

Our Care Workers:

Masi Care is committed to providing excellent and compassionate person-to-person care, by attracting and training the right people in the in-home care sector.

We will do this by making sure that our staff are fairly compensated and are provided a caring and enjoyable work environment. We aim to exercise transparency throughout the decision-making process.

Where appropriate, staff will be encouraged to report any poor practices to ensure that we remain professional and caring at all times. The staff will know that they can express concerns and we will operate a collaborative management style to improve standards where and when required

We will select and train our staff, and as part of our own due diligence, and for the safety of our cared for, we insist on all our staff having enhanced DBS (background) checks and being offered first aid training where appropriate, which we will pay for.

All Masi Care staff will be equipped with an advanced online Client Management Reporting system to help manage our cared for, this enables for more transparent checks and reports for management and families.

Our staff will be expected to provide as much formal and informal feedback either via our app reporting systems, or just a via friendly phone call.