Sex on a plane

Watching sex can be embarrassing on a plane.

Being stupid, British Airways have decided to turn their Business Class into a social experiment.

They have "social seats" where people face each other. Great if your travelling with friends and family. Rubbish if your travelling by yourself and the man facing you chews with his mouth open...

I decided to avoid the pain by switching on a movie as soon as I sat down. People were still boarding when I decided to watch 'Bad Neighbours', a comedy that unfortunately for me, starts with a sex scene.

Your aeroplane neighbours making judgements about you watching a 'sex movie' is bad enough, but then the cabin crew decided to make an announcement, freezing the sex scene on the screen for 2 mins. Meanwhile 300+ people continued to board and walk past my seat and screen, first they looked at my TV screen, then they looked at the pervert looking at the screen, me.

Social seating. Not a good idea British Airways.

Big fat F for BA.