The Bank of England Governor

On the London Tube this morning I sat across to a unnamed Bank of England Governor.

He was on his hunched over his iPad, trying to hide it from the people sat next to him, all whilst scribbling something furiously on it.

His occasional pained expression panicked me. What was he reading that worried him so? What was he scribbling? Was it a cure to the problem? Probably not.

I immediately started to mentally note all the UK exposure I had, and how quickly I could liquidate it.

My train stop was before his and as I got up, curiosity got the better of me and I leaned over to see what he was so worried about.

The mid 50’s titan of the banking world wasn't writing a memo or preparing himself for the next disastrous financial crises, but playing Fruit Ninja.

Sell everything. Buy water, long life biscuits and chocolate.