Istanbul taxi story No. 395

Istanbul taxi story 395

Fortunately / unfortunately, I decided on Day 2 of my break here that I would take my life in my own hands and hire a car.

AVIS checked the car I hired, marking out all the paint chips and mini dings on the car, alas no one thought to check the tyres or the spare tyre two of which were flat. Of course I made a huge fuss about reckless endangerment when I went back and I have been promised an upgrade if ever I decide to go to them.

The journey back home from the car hire place was as uneventful as an Istanbul taxi drive can be - the driver speaking on his mobile phone, shouting at his neighbour aggressively and then passively pleading with him not to call the Police after the drivers dog had bitten his neighbour's son.

Of course this Pet emergency meant having to drive around blind bends with one hand holding his phone and the other hand switching between turning the steering wheel and changing gears.

I can only assume Turkey never had a World Car Rally champion because it's most talented drivers were busy making a living driving taxi’s and living soap opera lives.