Starbucks queue disaster!

Starbucks queue disaster!

I am trying to be good, so while standing in a long queue at Startbucks I was readying myself to order my regular drink by rehearsing in my head what I would say to the order taker… "Venti Latte, Venti Latte, Venti Latte". Then for the first time ever, I looked at the board and noticed the calorific value for the drink… 300 kcal. It seemed an awful lot.

I looked down the menu list to find a healthier option and while I was uming and ahing it became my turn to order.

Stress. I wasn’t ready, I wanted to say "Venti Skinny Americano", or something cool like that. What came out of my mouth was something like “skinny Americano Cappucino latte with no chocolate.”

Huge groans and hands thrown in the air from the coffee order experts in the queue behind me, all of who can say lots of cool sounding words and be understood by the order taker. My Italian order taker looked at me cross eyed and confused. I know she was wondering if I ordered a drink in Urdu instead of English.

The frustrated bossy woman behind me felt the need to interrupt and interpret my order for me. I took whatever she ordered. The order taker asked me my name, I wasn't going to admit to being an idiot and again something else came out wrong and I got a cup called Kev.

I may need to find another coffee house in future, and all the way there I will be rehearsing "Venti Skinny Americano, Venti Skinny American, Venti Skinny Americano….."

I may even have to give up drinking coffee.